InPods AGS is used by Universities and Institutions to empower their departments and program directors to define outcomes and performance frameworks from an institute level (Institutional goals and Program Outcomes) to a course or a student level (Course Outcomes, Competency Outcomes, Learning Outcomes). InPods AGS allows the designers to map and articulate the relationships between various levels of outcomes and provides an environment to design courseware and learning experiences which is aligned with the outcomes and performance framework.
InPods AGS makes it easy for the designers of the curriculum and courseware to make sure the learning experiences and events are purposeful and address the defined outcomes and use appropriate instructional methods. It also helps the authors of the formative and summative assessment tool designers to ensure reliability, relevance and validity. Both types of events can be tagged and mapped with the Blooms levels, complexity levels, and associated with checklists and rubrics.
Academic leaders of a university like VCs, ProVCs, Directors, Controller of Exam, Deans and head of the departments can use InPods AGS for curricular and academic governance, by tracking the progress of various design and implementation activities. InPods supports automatic question paper generation from InPods AQMS to maintain the quality of assessments, and automatic rollup of the outcomes-attainment data from its InPods DLE to track progress made on outcomes attainment at various levels of the organization.